Monday 27 April 2015

Simply Spring!

So spring is here, the weather is glorious, and makeup is simple!
Daytime moisturisers in the warmer months should be light and a perfect base for makeup, to make sure nothing slips off and travels down the face! The La Roche Posay Rosaliac UV Legere Anti-Redness Moisturizer is perfect for warmer weather. It has a slight green tint to it covering those red patches that sneak out, and SPF 15 - perfect!
Dewy skin is the look for spring, and I've found a new primer to do help along the way! The Bourjois Happy Light Luminous Serum Primer. Unlike standard highstreet primers it is a serum rather than silicon based, and much better! This works perfectly with the Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum Gel Foundation feels so light on the skin which makes it great for when you don't want to feel like your caked in makeup - nothing worse when it's hot outside and your sweating under layers of war paint!
I picked up the Rimmel Lasting Finish Concealer in Porcelain on Anna's recommendation (go read her awesome blog here). It is a high coverage concealer that I reckon is better than Benefit Boi-ing, and £12 cheaper! Porcelain is a great colour for me, and highlights and covers under my eyes perfectly. New drugstore concealer love found!
I feel like the following months are going to mean that the blush and highlight shade in the Sleek Face Form Kit will get much more use! The blush gives a beautiful flush of colour, and the highlighter is captured by the sun - so pretty!
To finish of the look I used the Natural Collections Lash Length Mascara. This gives exceptional length, great for flawless skin and fluttery lash days! And even better at £1.99!

So keep Spring simple, don't get bogged down under all the makeup, and try some new bits from the drugstore!

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